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Zabalaza n°10 - April 2009

When we published Zabalaza 9 in September 2008, in the wake of the xenophobic pogroms which swept across South Africa in May of that year, leaving over 60 people dead and hundreds of thousands displaced, we took a distinct regional focus in (...) — Lire l'article

Does Berber Federalism serve as an indigenous African model of Anarchist (...)

MOROCCO AS "NON-CAPITALIST" AND NOT "PRE-CAPITALIST" TERRITORY I wish to stress this point because the prefix does not mean the same thing. If we said not capitalist, it is assumed that there is an alternative mode of production wherein (...) — Lire l'article

Disparu depuis quatre ans : Guy-André Kieffer

Le 29 avril 2008, Rudolf Kieffer est venu nous voir après l’enregistrement de la Télé des Sans-papiers. Il voulait nous parler de son père adoptif, Guy-André Kieffer, disparu en Côte d’Ivoire depuis plus de quatre ans. Devant le peu d’avancée de (...) — Lire l'article

Sarkozy and France named in Genocide Financing Scheme

Testifying before the Mucyo Commission, a former major client with Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR) company Mr. Martin Marschner Von Helmreich has revealed that 1 billion Francs (150m Euros) (...) — Lire l'article


We welcome and support the decision by the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union for their workers neither to unload nor transport the shipment of Chinese-made armaments destined for (...) — Lire l'article

Isoko : le théâtre de la source

Isoko (La Source) sera un nouveau centre culturel à Kigali qui utilise le théâtre pour contribuer à la reconstruction sociale et le développement économique du Rwanda. Il sera le premier centre de ce (...) — Lire l'article

Statement of solidarity for the Zimbabwean immigrants harassed by the police and attacked by reactionary South (...)

We were disgusted to hear about yet another xenophobic attack, this time in Diepsloot. We are sad to hear that South Africans and, as usual, the police are scapegoating and attacking Zimbabweans, (...) — Lire l'article

Police proceed with unlawful eviction of 1600 residents

POLICE SHOOT THREE CHILDREN IN DELFT Police have started shooting people at close range in Delft. There is pandemonium and brutality. Following yesterday’s ruling in the High Court which uphold’s (...) — Lire l'article

la réorganisation postmoderne de la colonisation dans le capitalisme postfordist

ll manque à Empire une analyse du passage du colonial au postcolonial. À en croire Hardt et Negri, l’hégémonie du travail immatériel renverrait au passé les dichotomies centres/périphéries et les formes (...) — Lire l'article